Istikhara To Make Someone Love You
Istikhara To Make Someone Love You
Istikhara To Make Someone Love You or for one sided love can be use for lost love back. Solve your question like how to perform istikhara for someone you love? from our molana.
Which Istikhara Use To Make Someone Love You?
You love a person a lot, and you want to marry that person. But what is the use if that person does not love you back. There can be many reasons for this.
Istikhara To Make Someone Love You
For example, a person may be scared to express her love. Or there can be any objection from the elders of the family. In all such cases, the istikhara to make someone love you can be very useful.
Remember that before you use this remedy, there are some rules that you must follow first of all, before you do the istikhara to make someone love you clean yourself.
Next, you must not try to force a person to love you. Secondly, you must not try to break his or her marriage. You must have complete faith in Islam and the Almighty. Only then you will get results.
Now, let us see how to do the istikhara to make someone love you. Firstly, take sweet curd or a few raisins in your hand. Next, say the verse
Yuhib Buhum WaYuhib BunahuAzil Latin AlalMu’meenina Aa IzzatanAlalKaafireena.
This, you must say, 99 times. Keep in mind that after saying the verse 33 times blow on the sweet curd or the raisins. Finally, give this particular person the raisins or the curd. Make sure that this person eats it.
If you do this process correctly, then you will get success. But at the same time, you must not have any bad thoughts, and you must be positive in your outlook.
Which Istikhara Use For One Sided Love?
Istikhara For One Sided Love, One of the most painful things is one-sided love. You love the person, but that person does not respond. Therefore, you must make use of istikhara for one-sided love to win the heart of that person. But for this, you have to know the process. Only then you will get success.
To do the process of the istikhara for one sided love first, have your bath. Next, wear clean white clothes. Now sit all alone in a clean place. Secondly, say your namaz. After that, you have to offer 2 RaqtNafil. Next, you must recite Durood Sharif.
This you have to say nine times. After this, you must say Surah Fateha. This, you must make sure that you say 51 times. Next, say the verse Inn Allah Yusumiu Maanyashau. This has to be recited 41 times. Finally, you must say Durood Sharif 9 times.
If you follow the process for the istikhara for one sided love correctly, then you will get the results. In case you do not get the results, then there is some serious problem. This only maulana Ji can solve. Therefore, get in touch with maulana Ji.
Next, tell him about your love problem. If your problem is genuine, only then maulana Ji will help you. First, he will check if your love is under the influence of black magic. Next, he will give the solution. You have to make sure that you follow the advice correctly.
Istikhara For Lost Love Back
Istikhara For Lost Love Back, The one you loved has left you. There can be numerous reasons for this. For example, there may be misunderstandings.
Or your behavior was not right. Whatever the reason that person has left you. Now you want him or her back. For this, you can make use of the istikhara for lost love back.
But remember that you can get your lost love back only if you genuinely love the person. For the istikhara for lost love, back, there is a process. Make sure you follow the process correctly.
Firstly, you have to clean yourself and sit in a clean place. Secondly, you must say your namaz. Next, recite Surah Fatiha. Next, you must recite Surah Kafirun. Thirdly, repeat Surah Fatiha. Finally, you must recite Surah Ikhlas.
Once you have completed this process of istikhara for lost love back, then you must pray to Allah. Tell Allah how much you love the person. Along with prayers, there are other things that you must do.
First of all, you must believe in Islam. Next, follow all the rules of Islam. Secondly, if the person left you because of your mistake, then accept it.
In case after doing all this still, the person does not come back then you need help. For this first, find an Islamic expert. Next, tell him about your problem.
Make sure that you tell the truth. Based on the issue, the expert will try to give solutions. But while doing all this, your intentions have to be pure.
FAQ About Istikhara To Make Someone Love You
How To Perform Istikhara For Someone You Love?
You love someone a lot and want him back. Then istikhara can help you achieve this. But the question is how to perform istikhara for someone you love? Because only if you perform the istikhara properly, then you will get success. There is only one person who has an answer to your query. Only molviji can answer your query about how to perform istikhara for someone you love? But for this, you have first to find the best molviji. Make sure you choose one who has expertise in solving love problems. Molviji will check the complications. Next, he will tell you the process that you have to perform. If you follow his instructions correctly, then you will surely get success. Here is how to perform istikhara for someone you love. Firstly, keep the image of the one you love in your heart and mind. Next, read Surah Al Kafiroon. This you have to recite 73 times. After this, you must read Surah Fatiha. This you must recite 99 times. Finally, pray to Allah to help you get your love. Once this process is complete, remember two important things. Firstly, do not talk to anyone. Secondly, straightaway go to sleep. Remember that you must face Kiblah when you are sleeping. If this procedure is followed correctly, many good things will happen. When you do this istikhara, you must have positive thoughts. You must not wish ill for anyone. Finally, you must respect elders and have faith in Islam. Only then you will get results.
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