Wazifa For Enemy Problems

Wazifa For Enemy Problems

Wazifa For Enemy Problems or to punish enemy can be use to make enemy sick. You can use our wazifa to kill enemy in three days if you want to solve your enemy related problems.

Which Wazifa I Can Use For Enemy Problems?

Enemies can make life hell. For example, they may ruin your personal life. Or they can cheat you and take your money or land. They may also affect your professional life. In all such cases, you want to get rid of these problems. You can make use of wazifa for enemy problems.

Wazifa is one of the best ways to resolve different problems in your life. There is wazifa for enemy problems which will surely help you. The wazifa has to be performed in a particular way. If you do not know this, then you must speak to molviji for the same.

Here is a wazifa for enemy problems, which you have to do only one time. First of all, have a bath and sit in a clean place. Next, write down the name of the enemy. You must also write down the name of the enemy’s mother. Next, you must say the Durood Sharif 11 times.

After this, you have to say Surah Kousar 11 times. Next, you have to say Bismillah hirRa’hmaannirRa’heem. This has to be said 1000 times. After you have said this 100 times, you blow on a neem stick.

Wazifa For Enemy Problems

Wazifa For Enemy Problems

Now you have to say Durood Sharif 11 times. Again, blow on the neem stick. Next, wrap the neem stick in the paper on which you have written the name of the enemy and his mother. Keep this packet in a safe place. Make sure that no one sees the pack. This wazifa will show the effect in a few days.

Which Wazifa I Can Use To Punish Enemy?

Your enemy may have done so many bad things to you that you cannot forgive him. Then there will be only one thing in your mind. You want to punish the person under any circumstances. Make use of the wazifa to punish the enemy. In this, you have to take the help of the Almighty to make that person pay for his sins.

In the wazifa to punish the enemy, you have first to have your bath. Next, you have to sit in a clean place. Next, you have to recite the Durood Sharif 100 times. Secondly, you have to recite Surah Ikhalas 400 times. Finally, you have to repeat the Durood Sharif 100 times. Now you have to pray to the Almighty to punish your enemy.

But before you do this wazifa to punish enemy, make sure that you follow these rules. First of all, you must do this wazifa only of that person has created problems for you. Do not use it, one someone, just because you do not like the person. You must never do this wazifa with bad intentions. Otherwise, this wazifa will never have the desired effect.

Which Wazifa I Can Use To Make Enemy Sick?

Do you want your enemy to fall sick so that he does not bother you for at least some time? Then you must do the Wazifa to make the enemy sick. If you do this wazifa properly, then your enemy will surely fall sick. Once your enemy is sick, he will not be in a condition to harass you. Therefore, if you are sick of your enemy, then the best thing is to make your enemy sick.

Here is the process of Wazifa to make the enemy sick. First of all, have a bath. Next, say your namaz. Secondly, you must narrate two RakatNafilnamaz. Remember to mention the Surah AlamNashrah in the first Rakat after Surah Fatiha. Next, remember to say Surah Al-Feel in the second Rakat after Surah Fatiha.

After completing the Wazifa to make enemy sick, you have to pray to the Almighty to make your enemy fall sick. You will find that you will get the wazifa will show its effect on some days. Remember that this wazifa can be done at any time.

You must not use this wazifa for the wrong reasons. For example, you do not like a person. So, you may think of doing the wazifa to make that person fall sick. Keep in mind that Almighty knows everything.

So, if you do such things, then you will not get the desired effects and you will suffer in life. Therefore, use such powerful wazifas only for the right reasons. Else they will bounce back on you and you will suffer.

Which Wazifa I Can Use To Kill Enemy In Three Days?

At times you may be so tired of your enemy that you do not want to see him ever again. He may be giving you so much trouble that you want to get rid of him forever. You might be praying that he must die and leave you forever. In such extreme cases, their is wazifa to kill enemies in three days.

But before you use this wazifa, there are some things that you must consider. This wazifa is to take someone’s life. Now, this is a very serious thing. So, before you do the wazifa to kill the enemy in three days, check if there is any other thing that you can try.

For example, see if you can speak to the person and make him understand. You may also try forgiving that person. But if all this is not possible only then you must take this extreme step.

In order to do the wazifa to kill the enemy in three days, sit in a clean place. Firstly, remember Almighty. Tell him that there is no other way. Next, recite the below-mentioned powerful wazifa.

“SubhanalLahiWaTa’ala Amma Ushrikun. WaRabbokumYa’aLamu Ma TukinuSuduRuhumWama Yu’ LinoonWaHuwalLaaho La IlahaHuwaLahulHamdo Fil Ula Wal AakhiratiWaLahulHukmaWaIlaihi Tur Ja’oon”

Now within a few days, you will see the effect. Remember that this wazifa is about taking life. So, before you use this wazifa, you have to think if the enemy deserves this.

If you are not sure, then it is better to first speak to an Islamic astrology expert. He will review the situation and will tell you the best thing that you must do.

FAQ About Wazifa For Enemy Problems

Which Wazifa Used To Punish Enemy?

Enemies are always harmful to you, no matter what. If you have an enemy, then it will be hard for you to reach goals and targets. It is problematic when a person always tries to interfere in your life. Enemies always try to destroy you no matter how much good intentions you have. Still, he will try to hurt you by destroying your dreams and aspirations. They will try to destroy every good quality in you and put you into depression. Once in depression, you would not be able to focus on anything and eventually give up. You will try to stay along and away from anything. Every time you want to do anything good your enemies will try to spoil your efforts. They will try to interfere in your personal life and fill you with hate so that you can never become successful. Even if you try to teach your enemy a lesson, you will fail due to their actions. For this, you can take help from your parents if you want. Otherwise, you can take the help of astrology, which is equally sufficient. Wazifa is quite powerful for solving any problem that your enemy tries to bring in your life. You have to take the help of a Maulvi who will make sure that your enemies get punishments. All you have to do is tell him about your problem so that they can understand it. Accordingly, they provide you with all the wazifa that will eventually punish your enemy.

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